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the brochure that I've been working on for lab activities 1

this brochure is about chapter 1 : Introduction on IT . this is my first time doing brochure , i was a bit nervous because i'm afraid i was doing it wrong . Thankfully i got full mark for this brochure . so bless !!  


This is my IThink map that I have been working on for lab activities 3 weeks ago :)
this thinking map is about chapter 2 : computer system . i really enjoyed doing this activity because i can learn how to do IThink map correctly and at the same time i can revise what i learn on previous lecture :D


    Computer Science

             Computer science is one of the fastest growing career fields in modern history. Dating back only a few decades to the late 1950s and early 1960s, it'd has become one of the leading industries in the world today. Developed through the technological architecture of electrical engineering and the computational language of mathematics, the science of computer technology  has provided considerable recognition and financial gain for many of its well deserving pioneers. Originally conceived as an organizational solution to the  massive amounts of information kept on nothing more than paper, computers    have evolved and advanced to become a common part of modern day life. In the early days of the computers age, the newest and most complex computers took up no less than an entire building or very large room. It was  inconceivable that these machines would after only about fifty years be many times more powerful and small enough to be held with tweezers. 

here's come advantage learning science computer

1. The digital age needs computer scientists

2. Computer science students have excellent graduate prospects

3. Computer scientists earn big bucks

4. Computer scientists are needed in every type of industry

5. Internationally Diverse Cohort

6. Year abroad opportunities








Why is it your favorite website?

How often do you use it?

What would your life be without it?

My favorite website is youtube.com . A lot of people in this world regard YouTube to be their favorite website and I feel in the similar way. This is a website in which a person can watch or upload videos for free, and the great part is that the user can even create his or her channel and earn money by the videos he or she has uploaded. We can find almost everything on YouTube and everything is available over there free of charge.
I started using YouTube 4 years ago and it has been a really great experience. I spend most of my time on YouTube. I have to upload my own video lectures on YouTube and these video lectures are provided to the people for free. I also stay on YouTube to watch trailers and songs. You can find almost every song of this world on YouTube. There was a day when I missed a cricket match because I was busy in something, but because of YouTube I was able to watch the entire math again because someone had uploaded the match and it made me very happy.
My life would be hell without YouTube. I would not be able to function without it. I am running an educational institute in Pakistan, and I provide free online video lectures to everyone irrespective of the fact that they are my students or not. If YouTube goes out of my life I would not be able to provide this free service and it would be bad not only for me, but also for all the people who are benefiting from it.


My name is
Nurul Khairun Nisa Binti Moin . Born on 07 December 1998 , in Selangor , Malaysia. In our family made up of my mother, father,sisters and a brother.

I have often wondered what it is that makes me who I am. Is it my personality, or my character? Is it the way that I dress? Maybe it is my choice of career? Or, maybe it is a combination of all of these things, because I don’t think that there is one description or label that is capable of defining me completely.
I like to think that for the most part, I am a pretty easy person to get along with. I am generally a positive person to be around and I try not to judge anyone for the choices that they make or the beliefs that they subscribe to. I just treat everyone with the same respect that I would like to be treated with. However, this does not mean that I am a pushover. I do not suffer fools gladly and if you try to take advantage of me you are very likely to see a completely different side of me! I think that this is something that is probably true of most people though, so maybe I am fairly typical in that respect.
I am a shy person and at times I feel incredibly awkward around people, especially those that I don’t know. I am the type of person who will hang back and observe strangers before making the decision about whether or not I want to join in with the group. It is because of this that I am often wrongly labelled as being stand offish or antisocial. This could not be further from the truth. I love to be around people once I get to know them, it is just that I am painfully shy at the beginning. Sometimes I wish that I could make people understand this because I am sure that I have missed out on many potential friendships because of this shyness that seems to come across as my being a nasty type of person, but then again maybe only the people who have had patience are the type of friends that I should be pursuing.
Once I get to know you, that is when you will get to see the real me. Not the shy and wary exterior, but the real person inside. The person who can have razor sharp with fueled by sarcasm, but who is also incredibly warm and supportive of those I care about. The person inside loves to laugh and will tell you lots of stories about the crazy antics that my slightly dysfunctional family gets up to and the stupid clumsy things that I have done. My closest friends would describe me as funny, loyal and genuine, but it takes a lot for people to get to that point where I am willing to show that side of me.

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